
Happy Easter! | Mount Shasta Infant Photography

This cute little bunny has hopped all day,
delivering baskets for the holiday.
Her paws are so tired and her nose how it itches,
She left you something special to fulfill all your wishes-
Lots of cute little Easter bunny hugs and kisses. 



Wedding Photography

Wedding Season is almost upon us - we're gearing up and getting excited about the couples who have invited us to help preserve the memories of their special day!

It's not too late to book your 2010 wedding - contact us today!

Cameron Strawther | Senior Portraits

We're in the process of designing our new promotional materials for Senior Photography - many of the schools in our county have graciously allowed us to distribute them to their students!

Here's a little inspiration from a previous session...we're excited about the possibilities in Siskiyou County and have already been working to scout out our "secret" spots for these shoots!

Old Road | Siskiyou County Landscape Photography

so many things to do
always, always something
Saturday was one of those days
the weather was truly delightful




One of a Kind | Mount Shasta Infant Photography

Every day is a great day for a photoshoot ~ especially one that involves my blue-eyed girl.


Happy St. Patrick's Day! | Mount Shasta Infant Photography

...just another excuse to take more pictures of our baby girl who has become quite the little rollie-pollie!


Black Butte | Mount Shasta Photography

After last night's storm, Black Butte was not so black today!
And, sadly, I must admit that although I am SOOOOO ready to pull out the short sleeves and spring dresses, I was not quite finished with the snow...

view our portfolio.

Rainbows | Mount Shasta Photography

The rainbow, in the sky so blue, reminds us that His promises are true.


8th Grade Models - Part II | Mount Shasta Photography

Every time I do a photo shoot, I tell myself (after the fact), that I need to take fewer pictures so that I can get them edited in a more timely manner.  This time was no different.  It couldn't have been more than 40 degrees outside last Thursday afternoon when the photo shoot began, but once again I just kept shooting.  As the clocked ticked away and the temperature continued to drop, the girls became more and more relaxed with having my lens in their face.  Over 200 shots later, I decided it was time to wrap things up (whether it was because I realized how many pictures I had taken, the fact that the predicted storm was beginning, or because all my subjects were beginning to look like Rudolph - I'm not sure).  What I am sure of, however, is that it couldn't have been more perfectly overcast to create the most ideal lighting, and if I ever need to update my portrait portfolio again, these lovelies will be the first to volunteer.